“We went parasailing on Maui with UFO Parasail on 7-10-2012. Visit www.ufoparasail.net for fun and exiting things to do on Maui.” Music By (with permission): Kika Kane “Ocean Girl” available on itunes.”
Tag Archives: adventure
Kauai, Hawaii vacation summary & guide
Thinking of visiting Kauai, the garden island in Hawaii? As your virtual tour guide, I summarize our adventurous 5-day June 2012 vacation on this island and show examples of what you can expect to experience. I hope you find it helpful when planning your trip! Day 1: Scuba Diving with Seasport divers Day 2: Waimea Canyon + Hanalei Day 3: Kayaking Wailua + Spouting Horn Day 4: Na Pali coast rafting tour with Captain Andy’s Day 5: Helicopter tour with Safari helicopters Highlight: Freely roaming chickens!!!
Cultural heritage.mov
April 29, 2011. As part of the Christening ceremony for InnerSea Discoveries’ new vessels, the Wilderness Discoverer and Wilderness Adventurer, CEO Captain Dan Blanchard talks about the cultural heritage that the company embraces while cruising the areas of Alaska and Hawaii. He begins the ceremony beating a native Klingit drum. InnerSeaDiscoveries.com or AmericanSafariCruises.com
Adventure time with the family!
Spending some time with family that came to visit us in Hawaii 🙂
Where To Go Waikiki Oahu : March 19th Weekly Hawaii Update.mp4
WhereTraveler.com and WhereTV create weekly updates highlighting just a taste of things to do and where to go in and around Hawaii. Videos cover everything from beaches, main attractions, restaurants, surfing and local outings. Here’s our update for the week of March 19, 2012. To find out more about what to do in beautiful Hawaii you can go to www.wheretraveler.com or find us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com Royal Hawaiian Center Farmers Market – www.royalhawaiiancenter.com Perfect for the “locavore” foodie in the heart of WaikÄ«kÄ«, Royal Hawaiian Center will launch its new farmers market, showcasing twenty Hawaii vendors with locally grown produce, ‘ono (delicious) dishes, freshly cut flowers, specialty food gift items, and vendor demonstrations. Enjoy an assortment of locally made delicacies and beverages such as Pipikaula ‘O Kahalu’u beef jerky, Malie Kai chocolate made from Hawaiian cacao grown on O’ahu’s North Shore, Nalo Mele “just from the hive” honey, Pacifikool fresh and all natural island ginger ale, Happy Cakes’ pineapple macadamia nut fruit cake, Big Wave Tomatoes’ grilled pesto pizza, and more! Kahuku Farms, Ho Farms and Khamphout Farms will showcase a variety of fresh produce grown in the country including cherry and grape tomatoes, Japanese cucumbers, farm harvested vanilla beans, seasonal fruits, and taro leaves. Visit the Ka ‘Ohana O Kalaupapa Art Exhibit – www.kalaupapaohana.org A traveling photo exhibit, “Kalaupapa: E Ho`ohanohano a E Ho`omau…To Honor …
Hobie Adventure Tandem Island Fishing Shark Catch Hilo Hawaii 9/23/2010
Sailing Back to Hawaii – Day 30: Squally, Squally Nights
Returning to Hawaii after four years cruising the Pacific Northwest our daily logs continue to tell the story. Start at the beginning , watch our “Sea Log” Playlist for our 2007 voyage from Hawaii to Neah Bay, WA. or, for our trip down the West Coast see our “Sailing the Pacific Coast” Playlist. More at cruisinglealea.com
Patrick Moore Music Videos, Hawaii 111 – sweet suspense
Song: sweet suspense /// Filmed in Hawaii.
Buffet 2012 Japan foods Hotel China pretty Hawaii beautiful meals Healthy girls
The Lord will keep you safe from all evil; he will take care of your soul.Psalm 121:7 Youtube – They Sold Their Souls For Music Jesus is the Truth John 15-4 Baking Soda (SODIUM BICARBONATE) + hot water + drink = Cancer CURE (One teaspoon a week) put hash in vegetable oil (any oil) it will multiply and fill the bottle with THC. smoking is of the devil Make good decisions ok Baking Soda (SODIUM BICARBONATE) + hot water + drink = Cancer CURE (One teaspoon a week) Youtube – They Sold Their Souls For Music Blessed be
Great White Shark/Hawaii
Jimmy Hall swims with the first ever documented Great White Shark in Hawaiian waters. www.mediastars.tv