Tag Archives: freedom

What is it about Geology and Volcanos that fascinate you?” I asked Rick b4 embarking…

Brief interview by David Lakota for da Kingdom of a Geologist preparing to embark upon an adventure out to the live lava fields near Kalapana. Rivulets of fire have begun to flow and pout down the mountainside- “…the largest active volcano in the world.” they say. Special thanks to 1st Green Solutions for sponsoring this adventure vision quest Native American style with Hawaiian Spirit of Aloha Educational Documentary Training Paradigm shift in self governing new economy agriculture National Treasury Freedom Revolution innovation new society sustainability renewable resources having fun doin’ what we love. Enjoy the journey. This is part one of several highlights soon to be on DVD. Stay tuned for updates. We are leaving tonight at around 2am. Destined for a small forest along the coast, we will rendezvous at Bali Temple Hawaii, do a brief ceremony, give thanks to Ke Akua and share our intentions with Pele, Goddess of Fire. And then there is Ahi, God of Fire.

Eustace Mullins – Secrets of the Federal Reserve – Hawaii 1989 FULL VERSION

Eustace Mullins “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” Recorded during a visit to Hawaii around the year 1989, this lecture presents a unique opportunity for you to see and hear this remarkable man lay out the shocking truth about the privately-owned corporation known as the Federal Reserve System. ” The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system, but rather, a criminal syndicate. It is the product of criminal syndicalist activity of an international consortium of dynastic families comprising what the author terms “The World Order”. The Federal Reserve system is a central bank operating in the United States. Although the student will find no such definition of a central bank in the textbooks of any university, the author has defined a central bank as follows: It is the dominant financial power of the country which harbors it. It is entirely private-owned, although it seeks to give the appearance of a governmental institution. It has the right to print and issue money, the traditional prerogative of monarchs. It is set up to provide financing for wars. It functions as a money monopoly having total power over all the money and credit of the people. ” -Eustace Mullins