Raving In The Light Of The Third Millennium Language About The Unspeakable Maui, Hawaii, February 1994 Firstly, many thanks to Kevin Esbensen for making this upload possible. Kevin had a VHS copy from the original event (Recorded by AXIOM, I can’t find them on the net and these recordings seem to be no longer available, I will gladly remove them upon request) which he then converted to DVD and kindly sent copies to me at his own expense to be shared with the community here. I’m very grateful to be able to present this for you on Kevin’s behalf. This talk has only appeared in audio format as far as I know on The Psychedelic Salon as, “In Praise Of Psychedelics” and here as, “Speaking The Unspeakable”. As a host of a channel that archives McKenna material it’s a great pleasure to be able to bring you something new (to the web) that may have been lost to time if not for the foresight and generosity of Mr. Esbensen, thank you Kevin. ~blimp Kevin Esbensen www.youtube.com Divine Nation (Salvia Divinorum) www.facebook.com Alchemical Archives alchemicalarchives.blogspot.co.uk
Tag Archives: history
Ku’e Ku’e: Native Hawaiian Sovereignty
I created this music video in 2004 from photos that I took while researching for 3 months in Hawaii. The video was used in a public lecture entitled Ku’e Ku’e presented at The Evergreen State College as part of an academic program called Islands. I was particularly interested in studying and illuminating the struggles of native Hawaiians towards sovereignty and self-governance. Sites photographed include: University of Hawaii Manoa, The Bishiop Museum, Iolani Palace, Waikiki, North Shore, Merrie Monarch Hula Festival in Hilo, and various other locations on both Oahu and Hawaii (the Big Island)
Hawai’i Forever – Hawai’i 78
A collection of images and video footage of Hawai’i with the song Hawai’i 78 performed by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole. Kamehameha, Queen Emma, Victoria Kamamalu, Lunalilo, Kalakaua, Lili’uokalani, heiau, protests, ku’e
John Clark Talk Story “Surf was more of a religious practice to Ancient Hawaiians”
John Clark Talk Story “Surf was more of a religious practice to Ancient Hawaiians” John Clark, a Hawaiian surfer, lifeguard, firefighter, and historian, has studied Hawaiian, read Hawaiian sources on surfing, and built up a massive file of these texts for analysis and translation. John Clark talks about Hawaiian History and surfing at Surfer The Bar’s Talk Story Night at the Turtle Bay Resort, hosted by Jodi Wilmott.
A History of Puppets
Promo for the GIANT MONSTERS ATTACK HAWAII! facebook fan page. www.facebook.com
Best PRANKS of the Last 100 Years — BOAT #6
My SECRET Crush: www.vsauce.com ** LINKS FOR MORE INFO ** Bill Gates news.bbc.co.uk Balloon Boy: en.wikipedia.org Bigfoot: www.youtube.com Abyssinian Royals: en.wikipedia.org Spaghetti Growers: www.youtube.com SINA: en.wikipedia.org Iceberg: www.smh.com.au Marvin Gaye and Hawaii: www.neatorama.com Spy Magazine: www.cbc.ca Taco Liberty Bell: en.wikipedia.org Flying Penguins: www.youtube.com Bald Pat: www.youtube.com
Baldwin Home Museum – Maui Hawaii Activity Review
Click Here for Full Review of this Maui Hawaii Activity: www.hawaiirealreviews.com Official Website: www.hawaiirealreviews.com Hawaii Real Reviews – Maui Restaurant Reviews Unscripted and Uncensored Video Reviews of Hawaii Restaurants, Activities, Shopping, Beaches and More. See our Website for Full Written Reviews, Menus, Maps, Photos, Discounts and More Information. Facebook www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Flickr: www.flickr.com Free Newsletter Subscription: eepurl.com
Making Waves: Sea of Darkness Panel Discussion
Making Waves: A History of Modern Surfing and the Clash of Cultures Sea of Darkness Panel Discussion Sunday, June 3, 2012 Fowler Museum University of California, Los Angeles Rarely screened Sea of Darkness (directed by Michael Oblowitz and produced with Martin Daly and Rob Taylor) is a dark tale about a group of surfers who blazed a trail of adventure, self-discovery, mysticism and drug-running throughout Bali, Java and other, more remote parts of Indonesia, ultimately opening up this part of the Pacific to the global expansion of the surf industry. Convener: David Theo Goldberg, director of the University of California Humanities Research Institute. Panelists: JERICHO POPPLER, the 1970 United States Surfing Champion and founder of the Women’s International Surfing Association. PAUL HOLMES, former editor of Surfer Magazine and Tracks Magazine, and author of numerous notable books about surfers and surfing. JIM KEMPTON, executive director of the San Onofre Foundation, former editor and publisher of Surfer Magazine, and director of Quicksilver Crossing. GREG ESCALANTE, co-founder and curator of Juxtapoz Art & Culture magazine. TOM POHAKU STONE, a legendary native Hawaiian surfer and waterman credited with single handedly revitalizing the sport of he’e holua (Hawaiian sledding), a centuries old extreme sport. RORY RUSSELL, two-time winner of the Pipeline Masters and owner of the Rory Russell Surf School in Hawaii.
ANCIENT ADVANCED CIVILIZATIONS: Ancient Peru Tour – Megalithomania 2012 With Dr. Schoch!
The CELESTIAL Convergence is pleased to present the archaeological research and findings of author Brien Foerster. Brien was born in the US, but moved to the west coast of Canada as a child, where he became immediately fascinated by the Native traditions of people such as the Haida. He learned to carve totem poles, canoes, masks and other ceremonial things from master Native carvers, and became a professional sculptor at age 26, basically dropping his career as a marine biologist. In 1995 he moved to Maui, Hawaii, and was hired as assistant project manager for the building of the 62 foot double hull sailing canoe ( ancestor of the modern day catamaran ) Mo’okiha O Pi’ilani (Sacred Lizard That Pierces The Heavens.) This project lasted 2 years. There, having learned how to make Hawaiian outrigger canoe paddles from master carver Keola Sequiera, he started an online outrigger paddle business, which flourished internationally. Peru became his next major area of interest. The study of the Inca culture led to his writing a book, A Brief History Of The Incas which is available on this site, as well as 7 others which are e-books, available through Amazon.com and also his Hidden Inca Tours website. Other projects, which will result in published books, include one about the ancient history of Hawaii, the mysterious stone monuments of Peru that predate the Inca, and the search for the lost continent of Mu. This will require combining all that he has learned so far, with trips to New …
Michael Jackson – Scream. TDCAU. – Live In Hawaii 1997 – Snippets – ReMastered – High Definition
Michael Jackson Scream. They Don’t Care About Us. Live In Hawaii 1997 HIStory World Tour. Video Improved: – Color Corrected – Noise Cleaned – Enchanced – Upscaled To 1280×720 High Definition Quality. Sound Improved: – Backrgound Noise Reduced. – Volume Increased. Credits To: MrIchewstraws Produced And ReMastered By_TheSchmickey.