“This Time” is a short film written by Reagan Gomez-Preston and directed by Matthew A. Cherry. It stars Reagan Gomez, Michael Moss, Terri J. Vaugn, and Sinorice Moss. This Time deals with the realities that many people have to face when a loved one returns home from war and everything has changed. Film Festival Official Selections: Rincon International Film Festival, Boston international Film Festival, GI Film Festival, San Fransico Black Film Festival, Martha Vineyard African American Film Festival, Roxbury Interational Film Festival, Hawaii International Film Festival, Miami Short Film Festival. This film is dedicated to the men and women who have given their lives to protect our country. And their family members with whom their memory lives on. Director: Matthew Cherry Written By: Reagan Gomez Executive Producer: Liberty Madison, Sinorice Moss, Quetaya Scott Producers: Enitan Bereola, , Portia Jenkins, Shauna Faith-Graham Director Of Photography: Zubari Duniani Edited By: Reginald Harrison Production Company: Cherry Entertainment in association with Liberty Madison Productions and Supremacy Films www.themoviethistime.com Visit http to make a donation. www.imdb.com
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BytesTV: March2012 Ep6
Ashley goes over all that went on at Apple’s March 2012 Keynote event. We have a video game review of Star Wars: The Old Republic. And newcomer Shay shows us SkySafari, an app that helps with stargazing. Game Reviews from Gametrailers.com: Star Wars: The Old Republic LINKS to products featured: iOS 5.1: support.apple.com Siri: www.apple.com Apple TV: www.apple.com iPad: www.apple.com Star Wars: The Old Republic www.swtor.com SkySafari: itunes.apple.com Watch BytesTV on OC16 (Oceanic Time Warner Cable) www.oc16.tv Executive Producers:Lincoln Jacobe, Quincy Solano Hosts: Valen Ahlo, Ashley Kirk, Shay Fukayama Director/Camera/Editor: Bryan Lee Producer/Writer/Editor: Jerron Oyama Composer: Michael Morone Hawaii Pacific Entertainment www.hawaiipacificentertainment.com Technology News Bytes http Emerging New Media www.emergingnewmedia.com
Strictly originals only. The most respected and true. From the Bay to La bak to Hawaii. From Australia to Rotterdam….we dont stop…Steady rockin in Miami…based. Jana Rowlan Pritsy Keenes Heartbreakerz Crew
Hawaii Style Living 2
Surfing and spearfishing in Hawaii. Shooting uku, moana kali, tako and more. And just living the Hawaii style! Appearances by: Dane Pagud, Chase Roberts, Ty Miyashia
Mystery Force Shakes Hawaii Island 2012
A noisy, unexplained shaking in the Puna area of Hawaii Island remains a mystery at this time, but it certainly has the area talking. A number of people in a triangular area between Seaview Estates, Leilani Estates, and Black Sand Beach Subdivision report hearing a thunder-like sound, or an explosion, and feeling the ground shake around 9 am on Wednesday. John Drummond, the acting administrator of the Hawaii County Civil Defense, says that the incident cannot be explained at this point in time. Drummond says that he spoke to operators of Puna Geothermal Venture, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, and personnel on the ground… no one has an explanation. One theory being considered is some sort of sonic boom, although who or what could have produced such an effect is presently unknown. UFO: Mysterious Signal Knocks Out Power In Arvada 2011 www.youtube.com UFO Explodes Over South Carolina? 2012 www.youtube.com Mystery Rumbling Shakes Vancouver Island www.youtube.com Strange Noises Reported Around North Battleford 2012 www.youtube.com UFO Emits Terrifying Sound? 2012 www.youtube.com ADG Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow ADG on Twitter: twitter.com
Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 Episode 17 Part 1 Feb 20
Full Episode : tvseries24.url-go.com Air Date: 2/20/2012 Summary:A man dressed as a Hawaiian Na Koa warrior is found murdered in a jungle near the site where a war reenactment took place Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 Episode 17 – Kupale (Defender) Hawaii Five-0 ,Season 2,Episode 17,Kupale (Defender),Hawaii Five-0 Kupale (Defender),Hawaii Five-0 2X17,S2E17,2X17,Ep17,17,tv shows,S2X17,SE2E17,SE2,2011,hq,Hawaii Five-0 S2E17,free,watch,online,part 1,part 2,part 4,part 5,watch online,season episode,preview,primere,tv guide,season,episode,tv series,series,Hawaii Five-0 SE2X17,show,2,full,sneak peak,hd,part 3,guide Hawaii Five-0, s2e17, 2×17, s2, e17, 217, premiere, new, season, episode, full, part, trailer, promo, series
its supposed to say chris is swimming to hawaii -.- at the swimming part FML
➤ Kumbaya + More Lyrics ♫
FREE SONG (MP3): Just RIGHT click on the link below to download this free song: www.4you.dreamerstoday.com The style of guitar playing is called, “Drum Guitar.” …it is a style of playing that I developed, using a padded drum stick to strike the guitar, creating amazing colors of sound. …in this particular song, the guitar is tuned to regular tuning. …it you’d like to see tutorial video on how to play drum guitar, refer to the following link: www.youtube.com ______________________________________________ KUMBAYA with New Lyrics by jAckie messenger *Someone’s singing, singing a song for you *Someone’s singing, singing a song for you Hear me singing Lord, kumbaya Hear me singing Lord, kumbaya Hear me singing Lord, kumbaya Oh Lord, kumbaya *Oh Lord, I need you now my Lord *May I hear your voice, your every whisper *May I hear you Lord *Someone’s praying, praying a prayer for you *Someone’s praying, praying a prayer for you Hear me praying Lord, kumbaya Hear me praying Lord, kumbaya Hear me praying Lord, kumbaya Oh Lord, kumbaya Oh Lord, kumbaya *Additional Lyrics have a star in front of the line, and were written by Jackie Messenger @2010 All Rights Reserved ——————————————————————————— PS This video was filmed, recorded, and uploaded on 10-10-’10 October 10, 2010 at 10:10pm (Hawaii time) unfortunately it took a long time to upload, so it says it was uploaded on 10-11-10, but that’s okay, the moment was still …
Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 Episode 18 Lekio Radio part 2
Hawaii Five-0, Watch Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 Episode 18 online – alturl.com and all new episodes in HD! Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 Episode 18 Lekio (Radio) Hawaii Five-0, watch Hawaii Five-0 tv show, Hawaii Five-0 tv show, Hawaii Five-0 Season 2 episode 18, watch the Hawaii Five-0 s2e18, watch…
yhin – hawaii para dime
You wouldn’t understand the reality bending involved in manifesting this song. Who the frack stenciled 504 at least 3 times in Newtown? Obviously time travel is involved. You would be schizophrenic too if you walked in my shoes. A warning to you apron wearing archon loving fags. This song will haunt you and undress your daughter at the same time. I know about the blue/green ley waves. Blue and green must never be seen? You retarded fucks. I suppose Satan and Lucifer and 666 are bad too, huh? Geez, you underestimate me. I got some qabala riffs going on in this shit too. “G” stands for gay, right? hahaha you’re in trouble RAAAAA!!