Join the Mor Vacations Success Team. Mor Vacations is Growing Fast – Coastal for $1 Part 2

Is Coastal Vacations worth $1. Join the Mor Vacations winning team. The #1 home based Income Opportunity Today. Coastal Vacations Directors Releases Go to Dean Marino is a provider of Mor Vacations. Dean Marino has quit Coastal Vacations and joined Mor Vacations. Visit Dean Marino’s website at: Matt & Catherine Willis is a provider of Mor Vacations. Matt & Catherine Willis has quit Coastal Vacations and joined Mor Vacations. Visit Matt and Catherine Willis’s website at: The Following is Continued Information . MORVacationsUSA | June 22, 2010 www.MORVacationsAmer… What are the keys to making money with … MORVacationsUSA | June 22, 2010 http What are the keys to making money with MOR {MOR Vacations}? MOR Vacations webinar host and home based travel business expert Dean Marino talks about what it really takes. MOR Vacations sells a USA based travel membership from a travel company established in 1982 with over 140000 active members. Since 1985 the membership has been selling very well at live events for between $8000 and $12000 and over the past 2 years the average selling price at these live events has been $9200. MOR Vacations members enjoy more than just vacations with the membership. Any travel for business or pleasure can be booked using the company’s VIP booking service. Oh, and MOR Vacations and their top tier travel provider don’t pocket the travel agent commissions when you book through the VIP