Keynote Speaker: Wally Amos • Presented by SPEAK Inc.

Founder of Famous Amos Cookies Today, his name is a household word. Wally Amos` most recent venture is Chip & Cookie, a unique cookie boutique in Waikiki and Kailua, Hawaii, and an e-commerce business, Chip & Cookie features 5 flavors of cookies from Wally`s original recipe and the Chip& Cookie characters, originally created by Christine Harris-Amos and the venture`s mascots for literacy. Wally & Christine created the Read It Loud! Foundation in 2005 ( In 2008, a three-year public-private partnership with The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress was formed to stimulate 5 million parents nationwide to read to their children every day. Wally also co-founded the Uncle Wally`s Muffin Company, which produces a full line of muffins. As founder of Famous Amos Cookies in 1975 and father of the gourmet chocolate chip cookie industry, he has used his fame to support educational causes. Wally was National Spokesman for Literacy Volunteers of America from 1979 until 2002 when they merged with Laubach Literacy Council to create ProLiteracy Worldwide. He now refers to himself as a Literacy Advocate. He serves as a Board Member of the National Center for Family Literacy and Communities in Schools. In addition, he serves as Chairman of the Chip & Cookie Read It Loud! Foundation. Wally Amos has received many honors and awards. He gave the shirt off his back and his battered Panama hat to the Smithsonian Institution`s Business Americana