Tag Archives: Coverage

Hawaii Tsunami 2010

www.wavesdvd.com – Hawaii Tsunami 2010 puts CNN viewers to sleep almost – Except for sleeping sunbather. 😉 Relax Now. See our CHANNEL with 99+ Videos & FREE Relaxing DVD “CONTEST” www.youtube.com NOTE – THIS IS A JOKE AT CNN’s 2 HOUR COVERAGE OF THE HAWAII TSUNAMI that resulted in four 20 minute 3 foot tidal surges – causing NO DAMAGE rather than showing IMPORTANT news like the earthquake in Chile and Chile’s horrific tsunami. This is NOT meant to offend the people of Hawaii or Chile, rather it attacks CNN for showing 2 hours of beautiful Hawaiian beaches that caused me to fall asleep like the seal. Keep the comments light and fun, this is not the place for serious discussion or hate. It will be deleted ASAP. Receive new beach breaks every Monday / Thursday by noon California time. BOOKMARK US – Your ‘Relax Now’ wavesdvdcom youtube channel.