I do not make any money by using this music. Use of the music is for entertainment purposes only. WATCH IN HD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Other than my “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” Lip dub I haven’t done any “funny” videos. Especially anything this current. So this is my attempt. I loved the video and song when it came out, in a “omg” this is silly, kinda way. So did my group of friends, so we put this together in a matter of days. We all just started school on Monday so, we had to do it quick. We tried to stick as close to the video as possible, but I don’t have access to a stable and an industrial sized fan with random debris. BUT! We do have the trade winds, and flour. muahahahaha! Anyway…..This was LOADS of fun to shoot. We ran out of day light towards the end of shooting, so I’m sorry about the lighting in some of the shots. Also, I have never done special effects before….especially with MOVING frames. I could have spent WAY more time on the masking, but I am very busy with school, and I really wanted to get the video out. 😀 So I’m sorry for my terrible special effects. I tried. lol Either way enjoy our stupidness!!!! We loved it!