Tag Archives: singing

Tequila Sunrise – The Eagles cover

A cover of the Eagles song “Tequila Sunrise.” My eyes were half closed at the beginning because I was spacing out just a bit hahaha. Check out my band videos or the facebook! www.facebook.com We’re a classic rock group based out of Hawaii that performs both original and cover songs, covering acts such as The Beatles, all the way up to a few modern songs by groups such as Weezer. We’ll be sure to upload more videos when we have them, and if you like us, tell your friends!

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father Who art in Heaven Evangelical Catholic prayer song classic rock n roll

Johnny Rock Piano johnroco.blogspot.com Music Copyright 2012 John Roco. DOWNLOAD OF THIS VIDEO IS ALLOWED FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES; DOWNLOAD IS ALSO ALLOWED FOR INTRODUCING THIS VERSION OF OUR FATHER TO AUDIENCES FOR AM OR FM BROADCAST. Classic Rock and Roll The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who Art in Heaven prayer song with keyboard instrumental and heavy beat dance rhythm; the words: Our Father who Art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us Our Father who Art in Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For the Kingdom the Power and the Glory are yours now and forever, now and forever, now and forever, now and forever. Haleakala on the Big Island of Hawaii by Mike McCabe. Earth by NASA with Ron Garan photography and Michael Kanig editing. Heraldic Royal Crown by Heralder.

【Cover by Jasmine】Kaze ni Naru『The Cat Returns』

First cover of the new year~ Even though I’m so late as always. LOLOL So. This awesome dude on Twitter called Kura mixed this for me~ o/ HNNGH HIS MIXING IS SAO PRO * A * Glad that he volunteered to mix for me ; u ; So. First off, go subscribe to him if you haven’t already~ o/ ►Kura: 【 www.youtube.com 】 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Sao. When I first let a few of my friends preview this on skype, a friend said that it sounded liek hawaii. LOLOL -coughcoughMaiyicoughcough- Ehuehue. I have wanted to cover this back in September last year but never found a good mixer. LOL Now my singing has improved (I hope ; u 😉 and I know more people now ; u ; //lolthatmakesmesoundlikeIusepeopleOTL Hmm~ Oh! This instrumental was made by PoopPoopFart. 8’DD (LOLOL I JUST LOVE THAT USERNAME) Here’s his channel aswell~ ► PoopPoopFart: 【 www.youtube.com 】 Oh. I love this movie too. ;u . SAOO MUCH HNNGH. GHIBLI STUDIO MOVIES. I LOVE THEM. I SHOULD LIKE, SING ALL THE SONGS FROM ALL THE MOVIES LOLOLOL Okay yeah. That’s all. ||DD I only own my derpy voice in this~ Godly mixing skills belong to Kura, instrumental to PoopPoopFart, and everything else to Hayao Miyazaki~